Albertan family perceptions of neighbourhood natural supports survey

Natural supports are mutual relationships that include close connections, such as family and friends, and broader connections, such as neighbours and coaches. Natural supports can lessen the effects of stress and difficult experiences by providing opportunities for learning, as well as receiving encouragement and advice. To increase natural support opportunities within Albertan neighbourhoods, we need to know what is happening within neighbourhoods, and what families would like to see developed.

This survey is collecting information on Albertan families’ experiences and views of:

1) the connectedness of their home neighbourhood;

2) current opportunities available within their neighbourhood that can enable the creation of natural supports; and

3) barriers and enablers to participation in these opportunities.

Caregivers of families with children currently living in the same household are invited to participate in a survey. This survey has 12 questions, and will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Those who complete the survey will be able to enter into a draw to win one of several gift cards offered. To prevent duplication of data, we request only one entry per family.

If you would like to participate and you have children currently in your care, please visit the following link to complete the survey here.

If you would like additional information or have any questions, please email Jessica Walsh at, or you may call if preferred at 403-441-8464.

This survey will be available online until August 5, 2019. This project is administered through the University of Calgary, and has been approved by the Conjoint Health Research Ethics Board (REB19-0295 and REB19-0626).

This project is funded by the Burns Memorial Fund, Max Bell Foundation, and Alberta Innovates.